Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Prophecy of John of Vézelay

Hey! Want to feel cool? Start reading from #31

Prophecy of John of Vézelay

Here is a prophecy that has been released in 1994. 
It was presented as written in 1099 by John of Jerusalem (or John of Vézelay) and he would be one of the founder of the Templars Order 
No proof exist from the existence of that man but the prophecy feels right. 
First part of the prophecy is a dark prediction for the period of time of the year 2000, and second part is a wondrous vision of what is to be after that.

"Secret protocol of prophecies"
John of Jerusalem – 1099

I see and I know.

My eyes find out in the sky what will be and I overcome time in one step. A hand is guiding me towards what you don’t see, nor know.

One thousand years will have passed and Jerusalem won’t be the city of the Christ’s Crusaders anymore.

The sand will have buried in the ground under its grains the high walls of our castles, our armours and bones. It will have supressed our voices and prayers.

The Christians came from far as piligrims there where once was their Right and Faith, won’t dare to come close to the Tomb and the Relics, they will only, escorted by Jewish Knights who will have there (...) their Kingdom and their Temple.

The Infidels will be a countless crowd spreading everywhere, and their faith will resonnate like the Drum from beginning to the end of the earth.

I see the Huge Earth.

Continents that Herodotus was only naming in his dreams will have added beyond the great forests referred by Tacitus, and far at the end of unlimited seas which begin after the Pillars of Hercules.

One thousand year willhave pass since the time we lived and everywhere the fiefs will have gathered in kingdoms and vasts empire.

Wars as numerous as the mails of the coat that wear the Knights of the Order will have crossed, eclipsing the kingdoms and empires, weaving others.

And the serfs, the peasants, poor ones without fire will have thousand times revolted, burning vintages, castles and cities, until they will have been flayed alive and the survivors will have been forced to come back in their holes.

They will have believed themselves Kings.

One thousand year will have passed and the man will have gained the deepness of the seas and the skys and he will be as a star on firmament.

He will have gained the power of the sun and will have thought himself God, building on the huge earth thousands towers of babel.

He will have built walls on the ruins of those elevated by Roman Emperors, and they will once again divide Barbarian Legions and Tribes.

Beyond great forests will be an Empire.
When the walls will fall the Empire will just be a muddy water.
And the nations will be mixed once again.

And so will begin the millennium that comes after the Millennium.

I see and I know what will be.
I am the scribe.

When will begin the millennium that comes after the millennium, man will be in front of the sombre mouth of a dark labyrinth.
And I see, in the depths of the night in which he will sink, the red eyes of the Minotaure.

Take care its cruel fury, you that will live the millennium after the millennium.

When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium

1 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Gold will be in Blood
Those who will look at the stars will count in deniers
Those who will come in the temple will meet merchants in it
Sovereigns will be changers and usurers
The two-edged sword will defend the Snake

But fire will plot
Each city will be Sodome and Gomorrha
And the childs of the childs will become the burning swarm
They will hold up the old standards

2 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Man will have populated the Skies and the Earth and the Seas from his Creatures
He will command
He will wish the powers of God
He will know no limit

But each thing will turn over
He will stagger as a drunk king
He will gallop as a blind knight
And with spur’s tap he will push his horse in the forest
At the end of the road will be abyss

3 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
In all places of the Earth will elevate Towers of Babel
It will be Rome and it will be Byzantium
Fields will become empty
There will be only law from self and his self band

But Barbarians will be in the city
There won’t be bread for everyone
And the games will not be enough
So the ones without future
Will light up the big fires

4 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Hunger will hold the stomach of so many men
And cold will turn blue so many hands
That these ones will want to see another world
And Illusions’ Merchants will come and will propose poison

But it will destroy the bodies and decay the souls
And those who will have mixed the poison to their blood
Will be like wild beast caught in the trap
And will kill and will rape and will ransom and will steal
And life will become an apocalypse of each day

5 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Each one will seek to come all he can
The Man will repudiate his wife as many times as he will marry
And the woman will go by the lost roads taking the one she will enjoy
Giving birth without giving the Father’s name

But no Master will guide the Child
And everyone among others will be alone
Tradition will be lost
Law will be forgotten
As if the Announce hadn’t been made and the man will become wild again

6 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
The father will take pleasure with his daughter
Man with man and woman with woman
The old with the prepubescent child
And that will be seen by all

But blood will become impure
Evil will spread from bed to bed
The body will welcome all of the earth’s putrefactions
Faces will be nibbled and members bony
Love will be high threat for those who only know themselves by flesh

 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
One that will speak from Oath and Law
Will not be heard
One that will preach the Faith of the Christ
Will loose his voice in the desert

But everywhere will spread the powerful waters of infidels religions
false prophets will gather blind men
And the armed infidel will be as never before
He will speak about justice and right and his faith will be burning and cutting
He will have one’s revenge from the Crusade

8 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
The noise of given dead will roll as the storm on the ground
Barbarians will be mixed to the soldiers of the last legions
Infidels will live in the heart of the Holy Cities
Each will be in turn barbarian, infidel and wild

9 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Men will judge themselves looking at their faith and blood
None will listen to the suffering heart of the childs
They’ll be unearthed as little birds
And no one will be able to protect them from the tough hand

Hate will inundate the lands that were thought to be pacified
And none will be saved neither old ones nor wounded ones
Homes will be destroyed or stolen
Ones will take the place of others
Each one will close their eyes so as not to see the raped women

10 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Everyone will know what is on every place of the earth
We will see the child with the bones piercing the skin
And the one with the eyes covered with flies
And the one that is purchased as a rat

But the man who will see will turn his head
Because he will only care for himself
This one will give few grains as alms
While he will sleep on full bags
And what he will give with one hand he will get back with the other

When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Man will merchandise everything
Everything will have price
Tree water and animal
Nothing will really be given and everything will be sold

But the man will only be weight of flesh
We will swap his body as a piece of meat
We will take his eye and his heart
We will fight for his remains and his blood as a carrion to cut up

12 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Man will have changed his view of the earth
He will wish himself Master and Sovereign of forests and droves
He will have dug the ground and the sky
And traced his line in rivers and seas

But the earth will be nude and sterile
The Air will become burning and the water will be fetid
Life will fade because man will consume the wealth of the world
And the man will be alone like a wolf
In the hate of himself

13 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
The child too will be sold
Some will use him as a quintain
To enjoy his new skin
Others will treat him as a servile animal

We will forget the sacred weakness of the child
And his mystery
He will be like a colt that is trained
Like a lamb that is bleeded, knocked down
And man will be nothing else but barbaric

14 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
The look and the spirit of men will be prisoners
They will be drunk and will ignore it
They will take pictures and images for the truth of the world
We will make of them what we make from a sheep

And so the carnivorous will come
Predators will put them in droves to better guide them to the abyss
And lead them one against the other
We will flay them for their wool and their skin
And man if he survived will be skin from his soul

15 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Will reign sovereigns without beliefs
They will command the passive and innocents human crowd
They will hide their faces and will keep their names secret
And their castles will be lost in the forests

But they will decide the lot of everything and everybody
Nobody will participate in the assemblies of their order
Each one will be a true serf and will think he is free man and knight
Only those from the wild cities and heretic faiths will stand up
But they will first be defeated and burnt alive

16 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Men will be so many on the lands
That they will look like a anthill in which one sinks the stick into
They will swarm and death will crush them from the heel
Like panic-stricken insects

Great movements will push them from one land to another
Brown skin will mix with white skins
The Faith of the Christ with the Infidel’s one
Some will preach the sweared peace
But everywhere it will be the war of the enemy tribes

17 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Men will wish to jump over all fences
The mother will have the grey hairs of an elder
The way of nature will be abondoned
And families will be like separated grains that nothing can unify

It will therefore be another world
Each one will roam like a bolted horse
Going every direction without guide
Misfortune to the knight who will ride that horse
He will be without stirrup and will fall in the trench

18 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Men will no longer rely on God’s law
But will want to guide their life as a horse
They will want to choose their children in the belly of their wifes
And will kill ones that they don’t like

But what will be the man that will take himself for God like this?
Powerful ones will take hold of the best lands and most beautiful women
Poor and weak ones will be cattle
Each shanty will become keep
Fear will be in each heart as a poison

19 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
A black and secret order will have appeared
Its law will be of hate and its weapon the poison
It will always want more gold and will spread its reign on all the earth
And its servants will be linked together by a blood’s kiss

The righteous and the weak ones will undergo its rule
The pPowerful ones will be at its service
The only law will be the one it will impose in the background
It will sell poison in the churches
And the world will walk with this scorpion under its heel

20 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Many men will stay with crossed hands
Or will go without knowing or eyes empty
Because they will no longer have a forge to beat the metal
No more field to cultivate

They will be like a grain that can’t enracine
Roaming and deprived humiliated and desperate
Younger and older often without locations
They will only have war as salvation
And they will first fight themselves hating their own lives

21 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Diseases of the water the sky and of Earth
Will hit the man and will threaten him
He will want to rebirth and recreate what he has destroyed and protect what remains
He will be fearful of the days that come

But it will surely be too late
Desert will gnaw the earth and the water will be deeper and deeper
It will stream some days taking away everything as a deluge
And the next day it will be amiss and lacking to the earth
And the air will gnaw the bodies of the weakest ones

22 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Earth will tremble in many places and cities will fall in
All that has been build without listening to the wise ones
Will be threatened and destroyed
Mud will swamp the villages and the ground will open under Palaces

Man will persist in because arrogance is his madness
He won’t hear the repeated warning of the earth
But the fire will destroy the new Romes
And in the accumulated ruins
Poor and barbarians ones will pillage the abandoned wealths in spite of the Legions

23 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
The sun will burn the earth
Air won’t be the veil that protects from fire anymore
It will just be a perforated curtain
And the burning light will gnaw skins and eyes

Sea will elevate like a boiling water
Cities and shores will be buried
And full continents will disappear
Men will take refuge on the heights
Already forgetting what has occured

24 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Men will be able to make live mirages
Senses will be betrayed and they will believe touching what is not
They will follow paths that only eyes will see
And thus will the dream can become alive

But man won’t know separate what is from what is not no more
He will get lost in false labyrinths
Those who will know how get birth to mirages
Will abuse the naïve man betraying him
And many men will become crawling dogs

 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Animals that Noé had embarked on his Ark
Will be in Man’s hands just
Transformed beasts according to his will
And who will be concerned about their living sufferings?

Man will have made of each specie what he’ll have wanted
And he will have destroyed innumerables
What will have become the man who will have change the laws of life
Who will have made from animal a lump of clay
Will he be equal of God or child of Devil?

26 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
One should worry for the child of the man
Poison and despair will watch for him
He will be desired only for self and not for him or the world
He will be hunt down for pleasure and sometimes his body will be sold

Even the one that will be protected by his ones
Will be threaten to have the spirit dead
He will live in game and mirage
Which will guide him as there will not be a master anymore
Nobody will have taught him to hope and act

27 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Man will think himself God while he won’t be more than at his birth
He will hit always defeated by anger and jealousy
But his arm will be armed of the power he will have get
And blinded Prometheus he’ll can destroy everything around him

He will remain a dwarf of the soul and he will have the strenght of a giant
He will advance with huge steps but will ignore which path to follow
His head will be heavy of knowledge
But he won’t know why he lives and dies
He will be forever the mad that gesticulates or the child that whines

28 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Whole regions will fall prey to the war
Beyond Roman Limes and even on the old territory boundaries of the Empire
Men of the same cities will cut each other’s throat
Here will be the war between tribes and there between believers

Jewish and the children of Allah won’t stop opposing
And the land of the Christ will be their battlefield
But the infidels will want to defend the purity of their faith everywhere
And in front of them will only be doubt and power
So the dead will step forward everywhere as the standard of the new times

 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium
Countless men will be excluded from human life
They won’t have no rights, nor roof, nor bread
They will be naked and will only have their body to sell
They will be rejected far from the towers of Babel of the opulence

They will crawl as a remorse and a threat
They will whole regions and will proliferate
They will listen to the preachings of revenge
And they will shoot up the proud towers
Time will have returned for barbarians invasions

30 When will come the Millennium coming after the Millennium

Man will have come in the dark labyrinthe
He will be frightened and will close the eyes for he will not know to see no more
He will mistrust everything and will fear at each step
But he will be push forward because no halt will be allowed

However the voice of Cassandre will be high and strong
He will not hear it
Because he will wish to always possess more and his head will be lost in the mirages
Those who will be his Masters will mislead him
And there will only be bad shepherds

When the millennium that follows this millennium ends

31 When the millennium that follows this millennium ends
Men will have finally opened their eyes
They will no longer be imprisoned in their heads and cities
They will be able to see from one end of the Earth to another, and understand each other
They will know what makes one suffer hurts another

Men will form one huge body
Of which each will be a tiny part
Together they will form the heart of this body
There will be a common language spoken by everybody
And thus, finally, a glorious humanity will come into existence

32 When the millennium that follows this millennium ends
Man will have conquered the sky He will create stars in the great dark blue sea And he'll naviguate on this glowing nave New Ulysse companion of the sun for the Celestial Odyssee

33 When the millennium that follows this millennium ends Men will be able to go deep into the seas Their bodies will be new and they'll be fishes Some will fly high higher than the birds As if the stone didn't fall

They will communicate together
Because their spirit will be so wide open that it will pick up all messages
And the dreams will be shared
And they will live as long as the oldest of men
The one that speak The Holy Books

34 When the millennium that follows this millennium ends
Man will know what is the spirit of each thing
The stone or the water the animal’s body or the regard of the other
He will have go through the secrets that the ancient Gods possessed
And he will push door after door in the labyrinth of the new life

He will create with power and with the spurting of a source
He will teach knowledge to the multitude of men
Children will know the earth and the sky more than none before them
And the man’s body will be extended and skilful
And his spirit will have wrap up everything and will have get them

35 When the millennium that follows this millennium ends
Man won’t be the only sovereign because woman will come hold the sceptre
Woman will arrive to reign supreme in the future times
She will govern the future and decree Her philosophy to Man
She will be the Mother of the Millennium that follows the millennium

She will, after the days of the devil, radiate the gentle sweetness of a mother
She will, after the days of barbarity, embody beauty
The Millennium that follows the millennium will metamorphose into an age of lightness
Men will love each other, sharing everything, dream
And dreams will turn into Reality

36 When the millennium that follows this millennium ends
Thus Man will have his second birth
Spirit will possess the mass of men
Who will be united in brotherhood
So an end will be proclaimed to barbarity

It will be an era of a new strength of belief
The dark days at the beginning of the Millennium that follows the millennium
Will be ensued by days of jubilation
Men will once more find the righteous path of humanity
And Earth will find order once more

37 When the millennium that follows this millennium ends
There will be roads that connect one end of Earth, and the sky to the other
The woods will once more be dense
The deserts will have been irrigated
And the water will once more be pure

The Earth will be like a garden
Men will take care of every living thing
And he will clean everything he dirtied
He will understand that the whole of Earth is his home
And he will think with wisdom of the morrow

38 When the millennium that follows this millennium ends
Each one will be as a regulated step
Man will know everything on Earth and his own body
Diseases will be cured before they are manifested
And everybody will healer of himself and of others

Man will have understood that he has to help to stay upright
And after the days of closing and avarice
Man will open his heart and his purse to the poor
He will define himself knight of human order
And so a new time will begin

39 When the millennium that follows this millennium ends
Man will have learn to give and share
The bitter days of solitude will be at an end
He will once more believe in the Spirit
And barbarians will once more be unheard of

But all this will happen after the wars and the fires
And this will arise from the ashes of the burnt Towers of Babel
And a strong hand will be needed
To bring order to chaos
And to put Man on the right path

40 When the millennium that follows this millennium ends
Man will know that all creatures are carriers of light
And that all creatures are to be respected
He will have built the new cities
In the sky on the ground and on the sea

He will remember what has been
And will be able to read what will be
He will not fear death anymore
For he will have in his lifetime lived many lifetimes
And the Light he will know will never be switched off

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