Wednesday, May 09, 2007


I like to do foot soak every night it`s like a shower for your subtle body.


Anonymous said...

Fooksoaking can be defined as complete balancing of each cell within the human body. Every cell is made up of the five fundamentals mother earth,water, fire,air & ether along with light & the divine power. The cells though differ in their functions & structures are ulimately made from different combinations of these elements.Thus any imbalance causes change in cell format there by causing physical challanges depending on nature change. By foot soking all the cells get to there original form thus physical challanges that can arise or already exist are eradicated.with out chitta in sahastrar when we go to sleep after footsoaking at night next early morning is full of joy & happyness.
Just continuosly do this for 21 days continuously& feel life changing .

Anonymous said...

I do it every day, otherwise can`t sleep properly.

Anonymous said...

Ha, ther`s more about footsoaking.