Friday, December 30, 2011


I wanted to share these two stories for a long time. I really feel cool remembering this.
First one is about little boy 8-9 years old from Nikaragua who got the essence of spirituality (yoga, kunfalini awakening, Sahaja Meditation, Sahaja Yoga name it all) in just 30 seconds.
We were group of peoples practicing Sahaja Yoga meditation in one of the Toronto malls doing presentations and telling people about how good is to practice Sahaja Yoga meditation etc. End of the day, mall is closing, security is busy locking the exits and entrances. Lady with three young kids passing by and looking at Shri Mataji's photo and a stand with subtle system explanation. " Can I try?" - she asked - "how much is this?" Always free- we answered. (truth actually). We told her that we wont be able to explain everything, because of the time, but she can experience the awakening of her inner motherly spiritual energy and then she can get explanation and find the near-by classes on the website So she stood in front of Shri Mataji's Photograph with all her children. Our instructors -meditators started working on them using subtle energy and vibratory awareness, within seconds she started feeling cool breeze coming out of the top of her head, and sweet feeling of mental peace and satisfaction and so all her children. They got cards with the addresses of near-by meditation centers and the website.
And, ah the boy. You know what was his question?
Can't imagine.
" Can we give this energy to others?"
O man, you got it!

Another story is from the similar setting in the other mall, different time.
Sikh family ( man, his wife and small daughter ) approached the meditation booth, after our explanation about what is meditation and how does it work they didn't want to stay to get the experience of kundalini awakening, except the man. He decided to try. After few minutes he said that he is feeling cool breeze coming out of his head, and he told us that he used to feel this cool breeze before number of times, sometime when he drives or sometime when he reads a prayer as a Guru Nanak follower.
"Is this God?" he asked.
"Yes I know, this is Gog." He answered to himself.